– An exploratory workshop with representatives from Swedish Disability Rights Organisations
Welcome to join a half-day workshop conducted in conjunction with the Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, NordiCHI 2024!
When: Sunday afternoon, October 13, 2024
Where: Uppsala University, Sweden
Sign up for participation. Deadline: September 6 . Notification: September 8
Registration is still open!
Workshop description
In this workshop, we will explore and learn how live, remote and disability-inclusive human-computer-interaction (HCI) research and practice can be organised and facilitated for everyone to participate on equal terms, regardless of functional capacity.
The focus will be interpersonal communication, facilitation and management issues, and hands-on design practices. An emphasis will be put on how to foster solidarity among managers and colleagues and how to take collective responsibility for people who often are being marginalised, such as people with disabilities.
The workshop will be a “crash course” on how live, remote and disability-inclusive activities can be organised, what challenges arise and how they can be handled.
The objectives are:
- to bring HCI researchers and practitioners together with representatives from Disability Rights Organisations to learn from each others’ experiences of remote collaboration and communication in hybrid settings,
- to capture and reflect upon challenges and experiences gained from partaking in the workshop explorations in hybrid settings,
- to through practical, hands-on design explorations identify disability-inclusive related challenges that arise when working in hybrid settings,
- to draft guidelines for live, remote and disability-inclusive HCI research and practice.
For more details about the background, previous research etc., see the full workshop description:
Nilsson, Elisabet M.; Eriksson, Magnus; and Lundälv, Jörgen (forthcoming). Live, remote, and disability-inclusive HCI research and practice — An exploratory workshop with representatives from Swedish Disability Rights Organisations.
How to participate
To participate, please submit a 300-word motivation for joining the workshop through the Sign-up participation form.
Deadline: September 6. Notification: September 8
The workshop will be in a hybrid format with local and remote participants.
Preliminary workshop program
- Welcome and introduction to the workshop program and a presentation of the participants
- Activity 1: Group work on design task (including a short break)
Break - Activity 2: Group work, reflecting on the collaboration
Break - Activity 3: Plenum, group presentations about their experiences
- Concluding words, next steps, the network
Workshop organisers
The workshop is organised as part of the research project “Working life during the Covid-19 pandemic: social participation, learning experiences, design opportunities and future work life for people with disabilities”, financed by Forte and run by University of Gothenburg, Malmö University and RISE.
Organising committee:
Elisabet M. Nilsson, Associate professor in Interaction Design at the School of Arts and Communication (K3), Malmö University, Sweden. Through participatory action research, she explores conditions for human and more-than-human inclusion and participation in design, and how this can be played out in real-world settings. She is currently involved in a research project exploring how disability-inclusive hybrid work environments can be designed and facilitated. Another ongoing research project explores more-than-human-centred design practices and how these could be taught and integrated into future design education curricula. Besides research activities, she teaches at the Interaction Design Master’s and Bachelor’s Programmes at K3.
Magnus Eriksson, Senior researcher at RISE, Research Institute of Sweden unit of Inclusive System Innovation. He has a background in sociology and (STS) and is leading and participating in a number of interdisciplinary research projects around social and digital trust, citizen empowerment engagement, inclusion and norm-critical perspectives on technology and society. Current research projects explore topics such as resilience and crisis preparedness, systematic perspectives on design research, citizen dialogues and antagonisms in sustainability transitions.
Jörgen Lundälv, Ph.D. Social Policy, Associate professor in Social Work at the Department of Social Work and since 2002 Senior Lecturer at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His previous research concerns social policies for disabled people, processes of social exclusion, accessibility, patient involvement and inclusive research. He holds a PhD in social policy from the Department of Social Policy at the University of Helsinki, 1998 (Helsinki, Finland). Since 2021, he is the coordinator and platform leader for the research group “Social work, health and ill health” at the University of Gothenburg. He is also an Associate professor in Traffic Medicine at the Department of Surgical and Perioperative Science, Umeå university, Sweden
We hope to see you at the workshop!

Last Updated on 2024-09-20